Home Travel Miu Miu roasted over £4,595 sequin knickers: ‘It’s giving thrush’

Miu Miu roasted over £4,595 sequin knickers: ‘It’s giving thrush’

Miu Miu roasted over £4,595 sequin knickers: ‘It’s giving thrush’


Oh hell no (Picture: Miu Miu)

Corduroy and sequins aren’t textures you’d typically associate with underwear.

But Miu Miu has released a new line of knickers using these materials exactly – selling them for $1,100 (£903) and $5,600 (£4,595) respectively.

Ready to roast as always, fashion commentators behind the popular Instagram account Diet Prada wrote: ‘Ladies, would you like the $5,600 p***y-itching Miu Miu sequin panties or the $1,100 corduroy panties with belt loops?’

People didn’t hold back in the comments either, with one person writing: ‘Those corduroy ones just scream thrush infection.’

‘The most expensive yeast infection you can get,’ a second agreed, while a third added: ‘These might be designed by a man.’

A fourth quipped: ‘Yeast infections? For fall?’

Others said anyone buying the underwear simply have too much money.

The offending pants (Picture: Miu Miu)
Commenters were not holding back (Picture: Instagram)

To be fair to Miu Miu, the sequin pants are silk-lined (though we do question how breathable they’d be with all those sparkles).

Meanwhile the corduroy pair are described as ‘shorts,’ so presumably buyers will wear underwear beneath instead of putting this material straight against their vulvas (here’s hoping).

Still, Dr Aziza Sesay, an expert in women’s health, says these materials are a bold choice for underwear in general. You should avoid unlined or synthetic versions, which could lend themselves to a nasty case of thrush.

‘Avoid tight fitting underwear made of synthetic materials as they tend to hold on to moisture which creates the best environment for bacteria and fungus to thrive, grow and causing infections such as UTI, thrush and BV,’ she says.

A look (Picture: Miu Miu)

‘A lot of the sexy lingerie and thongs on the market are made of synthetic materials.

‘Avoid them where possible (especially if you’re prone to these infections) or only wear them for short period of times to reduce the likelihood of infection.

‘Definitely avoid wearing them to the gym.’

While there’s no risk of anyone wearing the £4.5K Miu Miu designs to the gym, is it time to take stock of the knickers you do wear on the regular that might not be the best for your health?

Dr Sesay explains tight synthetic underwear can encourage fungus to grow, and the overgrowth of gardenerella vaginalis. ‘Anything that disrupts the pH/natural balance of the vagina, is best avoided,’ she says.

‘Instead, the best material to wear are ones that are breathable and made of natural fibres – like cotton or bamboo.

‘They are great at waft moisture away and keep the area dry.’

Time to head to M&S, perhaps. It’s more in our budget, too.

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MORE : Shoppers swear these are the ‘best fitting’ and comfiest knickers you’ll ever wear: ‘I’ve even bought them as presents’



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