Home Health Magazine Yellow box junctions in Cardiff and London too big, says RAC

Yellow box junctions in Cardiff and London too big, says RAC

Yellow box junctions in Cardiff and London too big, says RAC


The RAC is calling on the government to update guidance, making clear where and how yellow boxes should be used.

Roads are a devolved issue in Wales, meaning they are overseen by the Welsh government.

Rod Dennis of the RAC said: “We fear that unnecessary penalties are going to mushroom in the coming years as more councils start enforcing yellow boxes, unless a responsible approach to the design and enforcement of them is taken.”

In Cardiff, the fine for being caught in the box is £70, reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days.

It is the same rate in England, outside of London, but on TfL red routes – which carry 30% of the city’s traffic – the fine is £160, reduced to £80 if paid within 14 days.

The penalty is £130, reduced to £65 if paid within 14 days, on roads managed by London boroughs.

Mr Wright said even “a car bumper overhanging part of a box” could result in a fine.

“Yet in so many cases, drivers can’t avoid stopping in them – a good example being where a yellow box is so big that a driver can’t see where it ends,” he said.



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