Home Health Magazine Teachers could strike in September, union says

Teachers could strike in September, union says

Teachers could strike in September, union says


Speaking at the NEU’s conference, in Bournemouth, general secretary Daniel Kebede said there was “more and more frustration developing amongst” teachers.

“My view is if there is a decision to go for a formal ballot, we should conduct that over a fairly significant period of time, looking to take action in September,” he said.

Members have already been asked if they would strike for a fully funded above-inflation pay rise, as part of an informal consultative ballot in recent weeks.

And in England and Wales, most responded, with about 90% saying they would be prepared to strike – a result Mr Kebede called “exceptionally significant”, adding England’s Education Secretary, Gillian Keegan, “has to take that seriously”.

NASUWT, the Teachers’ Union, also held an informal consultative ballot, in England – but 78% of those who voted rejected a formal ballot.

General secretary Patrick Roach told its conference, in Harrogate, N Yorks: “Our members have weighed that up and their priority right now is not about causing more disruption to lives that are already in tumult, but actually saying we need a government that’s on the side of teachers and on the side of children and young people.”

The union would be “looking carefully at how the government responds” to calls for a pay rise, he said, adding: “2023 was a year of action – this must be the year of change.”



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