ONE bride-to-be was about to blow a gasket over her sister-in-law’s behavior leading up to her big day.
She didn’t think she was being unreasonable for kicking her brother’s wife out of her wedding.
One Reddit user (@dressofmydreams) originally agreed to include her sister-in-law in her bridal party after her mother explained that she was “feeling isolated” after moving away.
Still, no amount of pity was going to sway her from letting her partake in any additional festivities.
“My sister-in-law has been nothing short of a nightmare,” she said.
Rather than helping out, she seemed to be sabotaging her.
She explained how while her other bridesmaids had assisted in writing and sending out the wedding invitations, the envelopes her sister-in-law had helped with were all empty.
“I know they were hers because everyone had different shades of pink envelopes to go from,” she said.
Her bad behavior was also costing her big bucks.
After taking the longest amount of time at the group’s hair and makeup consultations, she remained undecided on her look.
This led to her appointment being extended, which racked up a big bill.
Knowing things were tight at the time, she covered her sister-in-law’s expenses.
But that was nothing compared to what was to come.
“The final straw came when I found the dress of my dreams. Only problem was I was 15 pounds too heavy for it and I bawled my eyes out because I knew this was the dress for me,” she said.
“Everyone was encouraging and I still had plenty of time to lose 15 pounds and come back for a fitting, etc, so I agreed and said “yes” to the dress,” she added.
Her sister-in-law’s behavior was only about to get even more shocking, however.
“When I got home that night I noticed on my sister-in-law’s Instagram that she had posted a picture to her Instagram of me in the dress ugly crying and I was absolutely livid,” she said.
“My fiancé has already seen the Instagram picture and I am devastated,” she added.
“He was not supposed to see me in the dress until our wedding day and I know so many more people have seen it!
“I could not help myself – I called her and exploded, adding that she was not going to be in my bridal party and that she has ruined my wedding.”
Even though her mother seemed to understand the distress she was in over the dress debacle, she asked if she could “find it in her heart” to forgive her sister-in-law and still invite her to the party.
Still, she was having none of it and decided she would not be allowed back into the bridal party – or her wedding.
All she wanted to know now was if she was the a**hole – and people did not hold back.
“I suspect your sister-in-law is jealous and wants to subtly sabotage your wedding — at least the envelopes and the hair consultation were passive-aggressive,” wrote one user.
“But posting the photo of you crying while wearing your chosen wedding dress is beyond subtle. This was a real a**hole stunt,” she added.
“The fact that she hasn’t apologized tells me she definitely wants to mess up your wedding. Good for you for booting her out of the bridal party.”
“Exactly. No way sister-in-law goes to the wedding like a normal human. She will mess something up before getting kicked out. Guaranteed,” said another user.
“I suspect your sister-in-law is jealous and wants to subtly sabotage your wedding,” an additional viewer shared.
“I’m dying to know what excuse she had for posting a photo of the bride in her dress crying on her social media,” said one user.
“Bounced from the party was kind. I’d have been tempted to bounce her from the wedding. Equally excited to hear why your mother is defending your sister-in-law,” said another reader.
Not only did everyone seem to be sticking up for her, but she had quite a few juicy updates to share, including that her brother has since apologized on his wife’s behalf.
He tried to reason that she was simply trying to capture her “fitting into the dress” journey and that she thought she had posted the picture privately.
Once he found out that she was disinvited from both the bridal party and the wedding, he made clear that he “could not come either.”
She felt it was her choice, especially since she and her sister-in-law weren’t that close to begin with.
Things didn’t end there either.
After attending a lunch with her mother, brother, sister-in-law and fiancee, one question lingered.
Her fiancee wanted to know why his bride-to-be’s brother was the only one apologizing, rather than his wife expressing remorse directly.
After some “tense words” between the two, her brother continued to stick up for his wife’s bad behavior.
“He referenced my sister-in-law feeling very distraught since a few of my bridesmaids had seen the photo and personally attacked her on Instagram,” she said.
The exchange only got more heated from there.
“My fiancé pointed out that my sister-in-law had yet to directly apologize to me, and that if she didn’t he did not want her at the wedding at all and he didn’t care if my brother was absent or not.”
After offering a meek “I’m sorry for what happened,” her fiance wanted a more heartfelt apology but this only turned into another argument.
Though her fiancee didn’t agree, she was willing to move on.
Just when it seemed things had simmered down, the saga continued.
In a final update, she explained how her sister-in-law admitted that she “absolutely hates” her and it all stems from her decision to stop loaning money to her brother.
She clarified that he had borrowed $42,000 from her over a two-and-a-half-year period – all of which she hasn’t been paid a penny back from.
While she was happy to help when things got hard during Covid, she put the brakes on payment once he found a steady job.
“What solidified my decision to not include her in my wedding at all was when she said she could see where the money was going and referenced my weight,” she said.
“I told her she has no respect for me, and feels entitled when she has no right to be,” she added.
While she still wanted a relationship with her niece and nephew, she wasn’t willing to be around her sister-in-law any longer.
“I wished she had been honest before I asked her to be my bridesmaid rather than deciding to put me through hell,” she said.
“I’ve been trying to call my brother and tell him what she said but he is not picking up. And neither is my mom,” she added.
According to The Knot, disinviting someone to a wedding might only create more “drama.”
They want you to think about whether you might “genuinely regret” not having them around on your day.