Home Beauty Longstanding Tory MP Tim Loughton to stand down at next election

Longstanding Tory MP Tim Loughton to stand down at next election



Some 64 Conservative MPs have now said they will either stand down from the Commons or not seek re-election in their current constituencies.

In the last general election, Mr Loughton won the seat with a majority of 7,474 (14.1%).

In his social media post, he said he felt his time “on the backbenches has been far from uneventful”.

He said: “I have no intention of remaining anything other than totally focused on supporting our excellent and underappreciated prime minister and the interests of my East Worthing constituents in the House of Commons in my remaining months there.”

A general election is expected to be held in the autumn.

David Batchelor is the Liberal Democrat candidate who will run for the seat along with Labour’s Tom Rutland.

The Conservatives have not yet announced a candidate to replace Mr Loughton.



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