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Grow your business with Business Ads

  • Get more brand awareness with video views
  • Get in front of your audience, customers are searching for businesses like yours online and your communities.
  • Stand out and constant on TSMED
  • Let us do the work
  • Only pay for what works

How much does

TSMED Ads costs is built with service demands.

Can I negotiate my rate?

  • Control your budget: Decide how much you want to spend.
  • Commit to good result: Get creative – good image, direct message, logo, content etc.
  • Pay for results: You’ll pay only when customers show interest by clicking or calling from your ads. Also called pay-per-click
  • Stay within your limits: Your ad’s popularity and costs will vary each day, but you’ll never exceed your maximum monthly budget.

Why TSMED Ads is right for your business

  • Advertising made easy: Get set up in minutes, and let’s take care of the rest. No ongoing maintenance needed.
  • Reach the right audience: Show your ad on any device, right when people are searching for business and groups like yours or and what you are offering.
  • Pay for what works: You only pay when potential customers show interest by clicking or calling from your ad.
  • How much does TSMED Ads cost?
  • Create your ad: Simply write an ad, tell us what you offer and decide on a budget. We’ll manage the rest to get your ad in front of the right customers.
  • Customers will see your ad: Your ad can be shown on many platforms including Google Search, Maps and partner sites when people search for products and services related to your business from their mobile and desktop devices.
  • Pay for results: You’ll pay only when someone clicks or calls from your ad.
  • How much Ads costs? Contact us to discuss your requirement.

Control your budget: Decide how much you want to spend.

Pay for results: You’ll pay only when customers show interest by clicking or calling from your ads.

Stay within your limits: Your ad’s popularity and costs will vary each day, but you’ll never exceed your maximum monthly budget.

Complete contact form now –or email us at ads@thesmedaily.uk send details with your enquiries, business and contact person’s details.