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Become a Contributor for ‘The SME Daily’ Magazine

The SME Daily is Part of Claraworldmedia Group

How do contribute to The SME Daily and Claraworldmedia?

We are delighted that you are considering becoming an expert contributor.  We would love to hear from interested contributors to enrich our readership!

Ways you can contribute to ‘The SME Daily’:

  1. Writer for our Blog or Magazine

If you have an area of interest relevant to SME and or Lifestyle issues and you wish to share insights with our audience, then apply to become a Contributor.  

  1. Will publish my articles?

We publish approved article(s) on our social media platforms, by email and in our SME Magazine.

  1. How do I apply?

Before you apply to write for us, please take a minute to review our ‘Contributor Guidelines. 

Following these guidelines will ensure your submission has the highest probability of being accepted.  

Once accepted as an ‘Expert Contributor’, we encourage you to submit additional articles timely and regularly, if your content continues to provide value to our readers.

  1. How do become a ‘Guest Expert Podcast’?

First contact us with your recent article and social media ranking, business information and or your proposal for The SME Daily or any member of the CLARAWORLDMEDIA GROUP.

  1. Get interviewed as a Guest Expert on our Podcast 

If you would like an interview as a guest expert on our podcast, you may apply here initially and then request for the application form by email smedaily@claraworldmedia.com

When your interview is complete, we may assign a writer to write an article about you (based on the interview or you may submit a profile information) which we will publish in our blog.  Before you submit your interview application form, please take a moment to review our guideline.

Guest Interview Guidelines.  

Once you have read the guidelines, you may submit your interview request using the application form provided.  

When do I hear from you?

We will do our best to respond as soon as possible to applicants that meets our requirements.  However, we cannot guarantee replying to unsuccessful applicants.

NB:  Approved applicants will receive our Contributor Guidelines.  So, please include your CV and statement, email address, phone number and Skype ID with your contact details.